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September 2017 Archives

Man settles lawsuit after illegal search and seizure

When police overstep their boundaries, those who pay the consequences often do not know where to turn for help. Sometimes, without proper guidance, they may plead guilty to charges that were filed based on unlawfully obtained evidence. A North Carolina man recently agreed to a settlement following an illegal search and seizure that took place in 2012.

Women charged with weapons offenses after hotel search

The laws protecting citizens from unlawful search and seizure are often carefully skirted by police. While their efforts to curb crime are commendable, the result may be the violation of civil rights and potentially an unlawful arrest. Two North Carolina women are now facing weapons offenses following a search of their hotel room, the validity of which a defense attorney may question in court.

NFL player charged with drug possession

Convictions for possession of illegal substances can carry serious, long-term consequences. Employers often take seriously the criminal records of candidates, and a drug possession charge, even for a small amount of marijuana, has the potential to jeopardize many future opportunities. While the National Football League continues to consider the inclusion of marijuana on its list of banned substances, for now, its possession is a crime in North Carolina.

Proposed law is game-changer for suspended licenses

A speeding ticket or other moving violation may seem like no big deal. You may even laugh about the number of citations you have gotten or brag about the times you just missed getting a ticket. If those tickets resulted in points on your license, you may be aware that, after a certain amount of time, the points disappear from your driving record.

Do beer sales at North Carolina colleges spur underage drinking?

The new college semester is in full swing at many institutions across the country. Fall semester also means the start of football season, and fans of college football may have waited through a long summer to once again enjoy their favorite sport. Now, many university campuses, included several in North Carolina, are allowing the sale of beer at football games, taking advantage of the nation's penchant for combining alcohol and sports to raise a little extra money. However, some argue that beer sales at college stadiums encourage underage drinking.

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September 2017 Archives | Asheville, North Carolina, Criminal Defense Blog