Messer Law Firm
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February 2018 Archives

North Carolina men arrested for drug possession

Drug addiction and its consequences are touching more families than ever with tragedy and heartache. In cities all across North Carolina, law enforcement is seeing a decline in methamphetamines and an increase in heroin. While drug addiction is not a crime, many actions that relate to drug use are criminal offenses. This may result in penalties that do little to get to the root of the problem.

North Carolina man charged after firing gun in workplace

Because of the many instances of gun violence across the country, it is understandable for people to become upset or frightened when reports of weapons or gunfire arise. Law enforcement may react quickly to minimize the potential for tragedy. This may result in severe charges for anyone involved. One North Carolina man is facing felony charges after a weapons incident inside his wife's place of employment.

North Carolina deputies face drunk driving charges

No one knows better the dangers and tragic consequences drunk driving may bring than law enforcement officers. North Carolina police make countless arrests and see numerous accidents when drivers get behind the wheel after drinking. This is why it may be difficult to believe when a police officer is charged with DWI. Nevertheless, two deputies were recently arrested in separate incidents and charged with drunk driving.

North Carolina police must follow search and seizure rules

One of the first rights the founders of the United States fought for was freedom from police searches that invaded the privacy of citizens and the sanctity of their homes. While laws now protect residents in North Carolina and across the country from illegal search and seizure, many citizens may not have a clear understanding of what law enforcement may and may not do when they want to search someone's home, car or body. In some cases, police may count on a person's lack of knowledge of their rights in order to overstep their boundaries.

Taking your fraud charges seriously

North Carolina readers may know fraud is a term used to describe various types of criminal activity. If you are facing these charges, you would be wise to take your situation seriously. While fraud cases often lack a violent element, individuals convicted of this type of crime could have myriad serious and life-altering repercussions.

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Asheville, NC 28801

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February 2018 Archives | Asheville, North Carolina, Criminal Defense Blog