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Man faces underage drinking charges after fatal accident

A conviction for drunk driving charges can bring consequences that affect many aspects of a person's life. North Carolina DWI laws have been tightened over the past few years, lowering the number of offenses before one is charged with a felony and raising the severity of penalties for convictions. However, underage drinking charges have always been met with zero tolerance, and combining a charge of this nature with other offenses may create a serious situation for a young driver.

One man is in such a situation following a recent accident. The 20-year-old was traveling in his SUV one evening when he allegedly struck the back of a motorcycle at an intersection. His vehicle was then said to have struck the back of another SUV that was ahead of the motorcycle. Witnesses say the impact of the vehicle and the motorcycle sent the helmet of the 30-year-old biker flying100 feet and knocked the shoes and socks completely off the victim.

The driver of the other SUV was not injured, but the operator of the motorcycle died at the scene. Police say the young man whose vehicle struck her was intoxicated. He now faces charges of underage alcohol consumption, misdemeanor death by vehicle and other offenses related to his driver's license.

The seriousness of the charges is compounded by the underage drinking charges. Conviction of these charges may carry added penalties because of the zero tolerance stand of North Carolina law. The counsel of an experienced attorney may provide the young man with options for reducing the severity of the consequences and seeking the best possible outcome for this unfortunate situation.

Source:, "Winston-Salem man charged in fatal multi-vehicle crash", Michael Hennessey, July 10, 2017

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Man faces underage drinking charges after fatal accident | Messer Law Firm