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Under representation could impact your underage drinking case

As a young college student, you undoubtedly want to do your best to find your way in life as you head out on your own, likely for the first time. Because many individuals in your situation want to fit in as best they can, sometimes you may not make the best decisions. Though the majority of these decisions likely do not have lasting or seriously negative impacts, one wrong choice could potentially land you in legal trouble.

If authorities have brought legal charges against you for underage drinking, the outcome of your case could have serious ramifications. Still, you may wonder whether you could address your predicament without legal assistance.


First of all, you do have the option of representing yourself in court. However, if you do not have extensive legal knowledge, you may not fully understand what to expect during your case. As a result, you may become nervous or confused when questioned by a judge. Confusion could lead to your answering questions incorrectly or incomprehensibly, and you could face negative judgment as a result.

Chance of conviction

The possibility exists that you could face a higher chance of conviction if you represent yourself in court. This likelihood may have to do with your inability to effectively defend yourself, or it could hinge on a pre-existing bias the judge has against self-represented individuals. Though such bias may seem unfair to you, you may have to deal with such an issue.

Desired outcomes

In many cases, judges dismiss underage drinking charges that stand alone without additional, more serious charges. Of course, you may have to complete community service, probationary periods or adhere to other stipulations. Nonetheless, you could avoid the stigma that comes along with a criminal conviction. Because you certainly want dismissed or reduced charges, you may want to give yourself the best chance possible for achieving such an outcome.

Legal assistance

Thinking you have the knowledge and skill to navigate legal proceedings when you do not could end up as a serious mistake. Though underage drinking charges have less severe connotations than other types of allegations, you should still take a serious approach to such a situation. Additionally, if you have previous marks on your criminal record, that aspect of your case could also have impacts.

Because a variety of factors could impact the outcome, you may want to consider enlisting the assistance of an experienced North Carolina attorney. A legal professional could assess the factors of your case and work toward obtaining you the best possible outcome by utilizing experience and knowledge of such proceedings.

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Under representation could impact your underage drinking case | Messer Law Firm