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Refusing to submit to a sobriety test in North Carolina

North Carolina laws regarding drunk driving are strict. A conviction can lead to everything from time behind bars to expensive fines, and it can leave a mark on your criminal record that can affect your future opportunities. It's overwhelming to face a drunk driving charge, and it is even intimidating to experience a suspected drunk driving traffic stop.

Taking your fraud charges seriously

North Carolina readers may know fraud is a term used to describe various types of criminal activity. If you are facing these charges, you would be wise to take your situation seriously. While fraud cases often lack a violent element, individuals convicted of this type of crime could have myriad serious and life-altering repercussions.

Are field sobriety tests accurate?

If you are ever pulled over for suspected drunk driving, you may be asked to perform a few tests in order for the officer to check for impairment. These are field sobriety tests and they are standard procedure in North Carolina and elsewhere. While that may be so, are they accurate?

How could drug convictions impact your student financial aid?

Drug-related charges could have negative impacts on individuals of any age. However, convictions for such allegations could have differing effects depending on the stage of life you may be experiencing. For instance, as a University of North Carolina at Asheville student, a drug conviction could potentially throw your education off course in a variety of ways.

Proposed law is game-changer for suspended licenses

A speeding ticket or other moving violation may seem like no big deal. You may even laugh about the number of citations you have gotten or brag about the times you just missed getting a ticket. If those tickets resulted in points on your license, you may be aware that, after a certain amount of time, the points disappear from your driving record.

Charges of white collar crime are a threat to your freedom

If you are under investigation for any type of white collar crime, you may be unsure of what you should do or not cognizant of the serious nature of your current situation. White collar crimes are federal charges that can include various types of illegal behavior. If under investigation in North Carolina, facing allegations or already charged, you have no time to lose in protecting your interests.

Just because it's a Breathalyzer doesn't mean it's accurate

Most of the dorm rooms and campuses at University of North Carolina, Warren Wilson, South College and other schools in surrounding regions are all but empty as summer breaks continue. Come August, many students will begin moving their things into the homes-away-from-home as they gear up for another post-secondary school year. Along with those arrivals comes a lot of socializing. Along with a lot of socializing typically comes one or more traffic stops on suspicion of drunk driving.

Seizing opportunities to challenge faulty vehicle searches

If you're one of many North Carolina college students who just rocked their final exams and are excited to finally be winding down another school semester, you may also be one of many who have plans to hit the beach in celebration of a successful academic year. Traffic on state highways is often heavy in early June due to many out-of-state visitors heading to the Outer Banks and other scenic regions for vacations. You're undoubtedly already aware of the need to drive safely.

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Asheville, NC 28801

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