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North Carolina Text-A-Tip line leads to drug related arrests

When a concerned resident sees something that does not appear to be right, he or she will generally notify the proper authorities. If it is a problem with a fixture in an apartment complex, the proper authority would be the apartment management representative; if it is a problem with a car, the proper authority would be a car mechanic. However, if the problem is suspected illegal activity, the proper authority would be North Carolina law enforcement.

Apparently, a couple of months ago, a concerned individual suspected that there was illegal activity occurring at a Wilmington, North Carolina, residence. As a result, this individual sent a text to the Text-A-Tip line. Law enforcement officers began an investigation and recently arrested six people.

According to reports, officers conducted an early morning search of the home. They claim to have discovered a combination of firearms, cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin and $22,000. In addition to this search and seizure, officers also conducted a search of one of the arrested individual's rooms at another location.

In all, six individuals are now facing a variety of drug related charges. These charges include trafficking and manufacturing heroin and cocaine, possession of these substances within close proximity to a school and maintaining a dwelling for this purpose. Each of these individuals will be responsible for answering to these charges before a North Carolina judge.

Anyone accused of drug related charges in North Carolina will benefit from working with an experienced legal team. In addition to reviewing the evidence and how it was collected, this team will work to ensure that the accused individual's rights are protected. This team will also guide the accused through the legal process and work for the best possible outcome.

Source:, "Anonymous tip helps Wilmington Police make drug bust", May 25, 2017

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North Carolina Text-A-Tip line leads to drug related arrests | Messer Law Firm