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Impaired driver causes North Carolina interstate accident

Every day, workers leave their houses and travel to work. Along the way, many North Carolina residents stop to take care of errands and other business that needs to be tended to with the expectation that they will return home at the end of the work day. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Recently one individual who left his home died in an accident caused by an apparent drunk driver, and the apparent drunk driver found himself being detained rather than going home.

According to police reports, a man stopped in one of the lanes on Interstate 85. An 18-wheeler was coming up behind him and slammed on the brakes to avoid a crash. However, traveling behind the 18-wheeler was another man in a U.S. Post Office vehicle. This third vehicle slammed into the rear of the 18-wheeler and the driver died as a result.

The driver who stopped in the interstate traffic lane was arrested and charged with driving while impaired. It has not been made clear if other charges will be filed. In this situation, it does appear that something caused the driver to stop in an unusual location; however, evidence indicating that he was impaired at the time has not been presented.

Charges relating to drunk driving should be taken seriously. Along with the possible loss of the North Carolina driver's license, the individual, if convicted, can expect severe fines and penalties as well as increased insurance costs. An experienced defense attorney can assist the accused individual in reviewing the evidence and presenting the case before the courts.

Source:, "Troopers: Drunk driver caused crash that killed postal worker on I-85", March 25, 2017

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Impaired driver causes North Carolina interstate accident | Messer Law Firm